Here you can see some girls from my football team before the match.
That day we played versus Badalona, and we won 1-2.
It was quite and exciting match.
I'm really happy of our progress.
Hello my name is Sara !
There’s a photo of my in the right and
my best friend Nerea in the left.
Nerea is a one people very friendly
and cheerful.
Is my company the class in third B .
There is a photo is in c.v the photography
My favourite matter.
Normally nerea and my talking the problems.
In this picture I can see a very big country. In this country there is one house white of two flats and one fireplace, also I can see a lot of plants. Here there are a lot of rocks and in the far I can see a mountain with a little snow
RAFA GIRÓN 3er BHello! I'm Pep Clotas
This photo is from my best and only brother, aged eleven years old.
My brother is a funny, extreverted, crazy, friendly and very calm. His names is Sebi.
In this photograph he is studying english. He is a very good student and he likes languages more than me.
In this photo he's angry because he can't use the new computer in this moment:
I'm very busy!!!
She is Lidia.Is my best friend.She live in blanes.
She is extroveted, crazy and very very good friend. Because is very inteligent nice a very god looking and sexy gril XDXD!!!She is a god person...(she is a very important person for my)
The girls that mis bestfriends.
The persons whit very cheerfuls, honests, very funnies, companions, was attents, and thousand affairs more!...
Very importants for my and mi live!
The photos to be made at espai jove in mi village one day.
Is people what forever at my side, for good or for bad.
We are to join from little.
To have put this photo what we lover.
It she's to pass moments unforgettable always!
Mis bestfriends herself to worry, for me.